About the Company

  • Q.
    When was Paramount Bed established?
    Paramount Bed was established in May 1950. Please see the Overview page for information about the history of the Paramount Bed Group.
  • Q.
    Where can I find a profile of Paramount Bed?
    Please see the Corporate Outline page for this information.
  • Q.
    What are the major activities of the Paramount Bed Group?
    Paramount Bed Holdings is a holding company of a comprehensive medical products and services group. The holding company determines and implements strategies, supervises the group’s management and performs other administrative activities for the group. Paramount Bed, the group’s largest company, manufactures and sells hospital beds, nursing care beds, mattresses, associated equipment and other products. There are also companies that inspect and maintain these products, rent and wholesale welfare care products, and perform other activities.
  • Q.
    What is the philosophy that guides the group’s activities?
    Please see the Group Principles page for this information.
  • Q.
    Please provide information about the companies of the Paramount Bed Group.
    Please see the Operating Companies of Paramount Bed Group page for this information.
  • Q.
    What strengths distinguish the Paramount Bed Group?
    Please see the Business Domains page for this information.
  • Q.
    Please explain the group’s strategic goals and upcoming activities.
    Please see the Strategies and Goals page for this information.
  • Q.
    Please explain the corporate governance system at the Paramount Bed Group.
    Please see the Corporate Governance page for this information.
  • Q.
    What are the Paramount Bed Group’s activities concerning the environment and corporate citizenship?
    The group has a strong commitment to helping achieve a sustainable society and earning the trust of the public. Group companies place priority on dialogues with all stakeholder groups and on fulfilling their obligations concerning the environment and other aspects of corporate social responsibility. Please see the CSR page for more information.